**Yard waste season will start April 1st and go through November 30th. All leaves, grass and pine needles will need to be separated from regular household garbage and can NOT be in plastic trash bags or mixed**
**Yard waste is picked up on Wednesday mornings during yard waste season**
**We offer lots of yard waste options to fit your needs**
-1x yard waste pick up as needed
-Spring service pickup in April and May
-Month to month
-Fall service pickup in October and November
-Full season pickup-picked up weekly from Apri-November
**Yard waste season will start April 1st and go through November 30th. All leaves, grass and pine needles will need to be separated from regular household garbage and can NOT be in plastic trash bags or mixed**
**Yard waste is picked up on Wednesday mornings during yard waste season**
**We offer lots of yard waste options to fit your needs**
-1x yard waste pick up as needed
-Spring service pickup in April and May
-Month to month
-Fall service pickup in October and November
-Full season pickup-picked up weekly from April-November